Donate Today to Support Detroit Transit in 2015

Happy Holidays!

Before you head out to ring in the New Year, take a few minutes to make your year-end donations to the organizations fighting to make the New Year great for everyone in our community.

Please make a year-end donation to TRU to support our work for reliable, affordable transit for everyone in 2015!

Because you understand that not everyone can drive, and not everyone wants to;

Because you believe every person deserves the chance to get ahead by having a way to get around;

Because you’ve ridden transit in other big cities, enjoyed the vibrant urban neighborhoods around transit stops, and dream of Detroit enjoying the same.

Make 2015 great with a year-end gift to TRU

Our goal is $25,000 in year-end donations, and we’ve raised $22,500 of that so far. Help us raise the last $3,500!!

Please make your donation to TRU today! 

It’s important to remember that public transit isn’t just a “nice-to-have” for many people in our community. Sadly, many people in our community wait in the cold wind at dark bus stops unsure when or if their bus will arrive to take them to school or work.

School kids shouldn’t have to get up three hours early just to get to class on time.

Seniors shouldn’t feel trapped at home for fear of standing for hours in the cold waiting for a bus that may not show.

And how are people supposed to get ahead if they can’t get around?!

The greater Detroit region needs a transit system that everyone can rely on. Yet most bus riders are too busy waiting on late buses and struggling through daily life to speak out at City Council hearings, meet with Regional Transit Authority Board members, or review transit plans.

That’s why TRU is here. TRU speaks out on behalf of transit riders and others who want quality regional transit. We watchdog transportation projects, fight for service improvements, lobby for transit funding, speak out for on-time service, and demand quality transit.

Please support our work with a $5 donation or whatever level works for you.

TRU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your donation is tax deductible if you get it in before 12midnight tomorrow.

Thanks again for your support! Have a wonderful holiday season!!