UPDATE: They’ve also scheduled a series of in-person meetings in each county September 11 – 26. Get all the details and stop by to share what transportation issues matter most to you!
How important are bike lanes?
Where’s the worst congestion in the Detroit area?
Do you have concerns about the funding of public transit in southeast Michigan?
Take this SURVEY to have your say!
SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, is developing the region’s long-range transportation plan. Your input is vital.
The results will help set priorities for transportation and infrastructure spending for what is expected to be billions of dollars in federal and state funding in coming decades.
The survey tool allows participants to show what types of issues they have experienced and where in the region, rating the importance of bike lanes or more mid-block crossings for pedestrians and ranking priorities from traffic congestion and pavement quality to transit and the environment.
Tell them whether you want more rail transit and buses or whether they should add more traffic lanes.
Share where transit needs improved and how you want transportation dollars invested.