A big win for SMART bus service and transit investment

Voters provided a huge win for the SMART millage!

The SMART millage increase passed with very strong support:

  • Oakland (opt-in communities) passed with 73.6% support
  • Wayne (opt-in communities) passed with 63.1% support
  • Macomb (entire county) passed with 59.6% support

This is especially impressive given that just a few weeks ago, few people even knew SMART was on the ballot, let alone the value of increasing its funding. Recognizing its importance, dozens of people came together and volunteered, companies and unions pitched in support, SMART ran ads to remind people about the importance of their service, and with a grassroots campaign on a shoestring budget, we won, and won big! Thank you image

Thanks so much for everyone who helped make this possible!

Download the SMART Millage Campaign Summary to learn more about the campaign and join us in thanking all the partners and contributors who made it happen.

SMART plans to use much of the funds for purchasing newer, more efficient buses. Riders are also seeking expanded service, especially restoration of some of the cuts of recent years. The SMART Board will be working on a Strategic Plan and needs to include riders and other members of the public in that planning process.

This should also be a clear demonstration of the willingness of voters to invest in quality transit. TRU will continue our work over the next two years to make a strong case to leaders and voters of the need for new regional funding to enable more and better transit throughout our region.