Busses 101, from SMART and TRU

Never ridden the bus but thinking about trying it?  Curious about how?

There are two great new resources available for new riders or riders looking for more information:

  • RIDE SMART logo SMART recently posted new information on their website on the How to Ride SMART.  It includes easy step by step directions and information videos on Bikes on Board to using the farebox, and much more. 
  •  TRU is partnering with Detroit Synergy on a series of transit coffee talks – opportunities to learn a little about transit, ask questions, discuss what’s on your mind, and maybe get involved.  The first coffee talk with be Busses 101, on Wednesday, February 21st, 6:30 PM at Traffic Jam & Snug in Midtown Detroit (details).  This discussion begins with existing busing options, how to use them, what people think of them, what improvements are in the works and what would improve them further. Find out about Bus-to-Work, the Commuter Challenge and potential Synergy Scavenger Hunts and Pub Crawls by bus.

Future coffee talks will focus on commuter rail and light rail options.

Or check out TRU’s webpage on How to Ride the Bus.