Tell the Region's Leaders: Support Region-Wide Transit Now!

Since the narrow defeat of the Regional Transit ballot measure in November of 2016, people have been asking “what’s next?”
For nearly as long, the RTA and the Big 4 (the heads of Detroit, Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne Counties) have been discussing options and negotiating a new regional transit plan. They’ve reportedly been close to a deal for several months, one that would modify the RTA regional and governance, but ultimately get regional transit funding back on the ballot in November of 2018.
Yet 14 months later, we still wait. 
Now we’re hearing rumors that Mark Hackel still isn’t convinced his residents want regional transit and Brooks Patterson now wants the same old patchwork opt-out system! While there is general agreement that removing the very rural areas from the RTA is a reasonable compromise, to leave RTA participation up to the feelings of each local politician leaves us with the same inefficient, disconnected system that SMART has struggled with for years! We need all of major schools and jobs centers to be connected to ensure everyone has access to opportunities!

Oakland and Macomb residents:

Tell your leaders we need true region-wide transit with no holes!

Our email action tool is quick and easy. However voice messages are even more effective:

  • Call Brooks Patterson at 248-858-0480!
  • Live or work in Macomb County? Call Mark Hackel at 586-469-7001!

Urge all your family, friends, co-workers, and bus buddies to do the same, especially people in Macomb County or in northern or western Oakland County!

Most of the Detroit, Wayne, and Washtenaw leaders are strong transit supporters and ready to put regional transit back on the ballot. They deserve our continue thanks! Yet they’re not off the hook either. They need to push back against any effort to punch hole in regional transit.
And if Macomb and Oakland County continue to block real regional transit progress, Wayne and Washtenaw Counties should move forward without them. Better to have significant progress in two counties than no progress anywhere!

Detroit, Wayne and Washtenaw residents:

Tell your leaders we need real regional transit progress now!

  • Live or work in Detroit? Call Mike Duggan at 313-224-3400
  • Live or work in Wayne County? Call Warren Evans at 313-224-0286
  • Live or work in Washtenaw County? Call County Commission Chair Andy LaBarre at 734-945-1298!

Remember to urge all your family, friends, co-workers, and bus buddies to do the same!