What happened around public transit last year?
What progress was made? What setbacks have we suffered?
What improvements are planned for the region’s transit in 2019?
And what will it take to get regional transit funding back on the ballot?!?
Come to TRU’s 2019 Annual Meeting to learn all this and more!
- When: RESCHEDULED for Wednesday evening February 6
- 5:00pm Speaker & Sponsor Reception
- 5:30pm Doors open to public for registration and refreshments
- 6-8pm Program, including Transit CEO updates and Q&A
- Where: TechTown Detroit
- 440 Burroughs, just west of Cass Avenue
- Midtown Detroit, 48202
- What:
- Presentations from top transit agency leaders
- Q&A to get your questions answered
- Election of TRU’s new Board of Directors (by paid members only)
- Who: The region’s transit leaders!
- Plus YOU and 100+ other transit riders, workers, and supporters
Everyone is welcome! Donations are encouraged to cover event costs and support TRU’s ongoing transit advocacy work.