TRU Served Detroit with Za’Nyia Kelly an Inaugural Climate Corps Fellow!

TRU was a part of the Michigan Healthy Climate Corps (MHC Corps) for 2024. The MHC Corps is a Michigan specific program under the American Climate Corps umbrella which is a country wide initiative. “The American Climate Corps is a groundbreaking, workforce training and service initiative that will put tens of thousands of young Americans to work fighting the impacts of climate change today while training tomorrow’s clean energy and climate-resilience workforce.”

Za’Nyia planting trees to beautify and encourage climate resilience in Lansing Michigan.

For 8 months TRU was able to serve the Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Washtenaw County communities with Za’Nyia Kelly, an inaugural MHC Corps cohort member. Together we worked to build TRU’s capacity, allowing TRU to increase its efforts to improve the transportation systems in the Detroit region and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. Our efforts furthers the goals of the Michigan Healthy Climate Plan, a main objective of the program.

Za’Nyia spent her time serving the Detroit community by leading community walk audits, engaging with decision-makers on key environmental issues, and engaging with the community directly to educate around current climate problems. She spent her time advocating for environmentally just actions that we can take as individuals and mobilizing members of a greater whole to enact the changes we deserve to see in the transportation and environmental justice sectors.

Za’Nyia leading a Community Walk Audit in District 3 with Councilman Scott Benson of District 3.
Za’Nyia and Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib after conducting a ride along to get rider’s perspectives in her district.
Za’Nyia with US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saving a caterpillar on Earth Day.

Za’Nyia stated “My time in the MHC Corps was an amazing experience. I learned and served alongside like-minded individuals of all ages who want to make a difference in the efficacy of environmental justice throughout Michigan.” as she told us about the different field trips, service projects and opportunities provided by being a MHC Corps member.

“We had members serving all over Michigan and got a chance to visit some of their host sites where they served. I went to Traverse MI for the first time and managed wetlands with the SEEDS Ecology and Education Center. I planted trees in Lansing, MI and attended the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) conference in the summer to collaborate on effective techniques to advocate for different forms of transportation. I’ve made several lifelong friends within the program while serving and can’t stress enough that the program isn’t just for young people looking to get involved but is for anyone of any age and background interested in making a difference in the climate sector!”

Za’Nyia meeting with and introducing Former President Joe Biden at the 2024 Earth Day Summit.